Friday, June 8, 2012

West Edmonton Mall - Day 4

Friday (June 1st) morning we slept a little late to catch up on some sleep. For breakfast, LK introduced us to peanut butter and honey sandwich. It was a great combo. Thanks to LK!. After breakfast we headed over to the West Ed mall, the largest mall in North America.

We had Brunch at Earl's. LK was right, their chicken wings are delicious. Ajo & LK had some interesting theological discussion I was sandwiched in between. I saw each of their passion and their individual convictions which may not be similar but regardless they both loved God. That is what matters!. Perhaps these kind of conversations are meant to challenge your walk, sharpen your boundaries, or perhaps even redefine, reassess, or refine your christian experience. I know they are meant to be a blessing.

 We walked around the mall with LK. The mall had an indoor amusement park, an indoor water park (the largest in the world), skating ring, indoor lake with sea lion/dolphin shows, mini-golf, a hotel, and you name it, they had it. They had almost all the stores that you could ask for and a great variety of restaurants. I can see how Ajo and I could have got lost very easily in there if LK wasn't with us.

We toured and walked around the mall for a good few hours and still felt like we needed more time. We had to cut our time short since we had some shopping to do for friends and family. We stopped by a toy store, christian store, and souvenir store. It took longer than expected. We had just enough time to have "Poutine" in the food court and headed back home. Poutine is a French-Canadian dish of french fries served with cheese curds and brown gravy. We enjoyed it but felt like it was an acquired taste.

We headed home around 6PM since Ajo's 2nd cousin and his family were invited to come over to the house and have dinner with us. LK and her mom opened their home and we cannot appreciate their hospitality enough. Two other families joined us for dinner. We met and connected with Ajo's cousin and his family. It was a fun evening/night. After everyone left, Ajo & I along with LK and her mom stayed up past 12 AM just talking, laughing, and sharing some memorable stories. Since it was past 12 am, we wished LK' s mom Happy Birthday and then headed to our rooms.

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