Monday, October 5, 2009

Through the Eyes of a Child

Last Wednesday evening, Ajo and I attended a talk organized by UNR and a few other local sponsors in the Reno area. The talk was by Eva Kor, a holocaust survivor. Her one hour poignant speech amazed every soul in the lecture hall. Her ordeal and her survivor story was moving beyond words. Her childhood was not like any other childhood. Eva and her twin sister endured major road blocks in their life to survive. She said that though she got liberated from the camp on January 27, 1945, she was only able to liberate herself in the early 1990's when she decided to forgive. Forgiveness, what a powerful word! A word we often take for granted, a word we want to receive but not give, and a word that ultimately granted salvation through grace to every believer. Let us embrace our small blessings, value our life, and show gratitude to our existence.

Read more about Eva Kor at


  1. Eva truly IS an amazing woman! I had the pleasure of meeting her last January after watching Forgiving Dr. Mengele and deciding to take my family to Terre Haute for her 75th birthday celebration...she inspired me to start a new blog, Never Again!, where today I posted her harrowing story of survival

  2. I agree she is truly amazing. You blog looks great. Thanks for the comment.
