Wednesday, September 16, 2009

O ye of little faith

A phrase used by Jesus during his ministry on earth. Perhaps, a phrase that still resounds in the heart of many a believer. Surely, it is a phrase that resonates in my life from time to time.

Yesterday, while flipping through my husband’s Bible I came across a few verses in the Gospel of Matthew that was marked by him with a note that says, “1/21/08 –These verses protected us…”

On January 21, 2008, we were on our return flight from India after spending about three weeks among family and loved ones. Everything was a blessing up until we felt some low to moderate turbulence in the plane when we were close to home. Our laughter turned into fear and we contemplated the unthinkable as we held on to the hand rest when the flight went through some rocking moments.

Occasionally, my in-laws who sat two rows ahead glanced to look at us. My Brother in-law who sat next to me continued to flip through magazines. I could hear passengers praying, and chanting as we went through those moments of uncertainty.

Suddenly,I remembered about the stormy sea and the sleeping Jesus. As I meditated on the event in the Gospel, I realized that we were the wavering disciples in the storm while Jesus was onboard. The sequel of events from the Gospel strengthened both of us but we did not utter a word in the plane. The turbulence dwindled after about half an hour and 5 hours later we landed safely at JFK airport.

In retrospect, I would like to reword the phrase in bold to this- Everything was a blessing including when we felt…

Our story of life continues with events like these which reminds us constantly about our faith.

Charles Spurgeon once said "Many a believer lives in the cottage of doubt when he might live in the mansion of faith."

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